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Saturday, 24 December 2016


Download links:
  1. Ishopanishad (the foremost of all the upanishadas) by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
  2. Twelve essential Upanishadas (principle upanishadas)
  3. Summary of all the principle Upanishadas by H.H Gopipranadhana dasa
  4. Svetashvatara Upanishada By H.H Kusakratha Dasa
  5. Mundaka Upanishada By H.H Kusakratha Dasa
  6. Aitareya Upanishada By H.H Kusakratha Dasa
  7. Katha Upanishada
  8. Gopala Tapani Upnishada By H.H Kusakratha Dasa
  9. Chaitanya Upanishada
  10. Hayagriva Upnishada
  11. Sri Krishna Upanisad, Sri Narayana Upanisad, Sri Kali-santarana Upanisad, Sri Vasudeva Upanisad
Also, the Govinda Bhashya i.e commentary on Vedanta Sutra by Srila Baldeva Vidyabhushana Acharya can be found in the following post:

Jaya Nitai Gauranga !!

tags: #iskcon, #upanishadas, #iskconupanishadas, #gaudiya upanishadas, #download #pdf, #upanishadas #by #iskcon

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